Article I
Section 1:
All law making power is given to a Congress consisting of a Senate and a House
of Representatives
Section 2:
The House of Representatives will be made of people selected every second year
by the US citizens. Elected persons must be old enough and a true American.
Taxes shall be collected from each state in a fair manor. The House of
Representatives shall choose their officers and be the only body with the power
of impeachment.
Section 3:
The Senate will be made of two senators from every state, serving for six years
with one vote. Senators most also be mature adults with a nine year residency
in the US. The Vice President will be head of the Senate, but not allowed to
vote unless to break a tie. The Senate will also try impeachment cases.
Impeachment will only remove the president from office and any other honorable
position on the government.
Section 4:
States will dictate when and where elections for senators.
Section 5:
each house shall determine various trivial rules and punishments
Section 6:
The Senators and Representatives shall receive payment for their services. They
shall not be arrested or bothered while they are serving, excepting treason,
felony, or breach of peace.
Section 7:
Various laws shall be made concerning collection of taxes a other paraphernalia
Section 8:
Congress will have power to collect taxes and other things for the welfare of
the US. They will borrow money on US credit, regulate commerce with foreign
countries, establish a uniform law of naturalization, coin money, provide
punishment for counterfeiting, establish post offices, and other imported
infrastructural processes.
Section 9:
Various laws about immigration with be established.
10: States will not have as high a powers as the national government
Article II
Section 1:
The president will hold executive power and serve in office for a term of 4
years. A voting system where the people vote for voters will be established to
elect the president and vice president. Only a person born in the US may serve
as president
Section 2:
The president will be the commander in chief of the US Army and Navy. He will
have power to make treaties and other things with the consent of the Senate.
Section 3:
The president will give information to congress on the state of the Union from
time to time.
Section 4:
The president, vice president, and all civil officers shall be removed from
office on impeachment for and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high
3. Article III
Section 1:
The judicial power of the country will be held by one supreme court, and in
lesser courts as Congress establishes. The judges will only hold their offices
when they behave and shall receive small compensation for their services.
Section 2:
The judicial power of the courts will extend to all persons, whether native or
only visiting. The supreme court shall judge cases involving foreign
ambassadors. Trials of any crimes except impeachment will be judged by a jury
in the state where the crime was committed.
Section 3:
Treason to the United States shall consist only of making war against them or
helping its enemies. No one can be convicted of treason unless the two witness
testify to an overt act of treason or an admission from the defendant.
Article IV
Section 1:
Many abilities will be given to each state to arrange its own proceedings, and
congress may also make certain laws in that area.
Section 2:
Every citizen in every state will have the same privileges of every other
citizen. Any felon that runs to another state will be returned to the state in
which he committed the crime upon request from the mother state.
Section 3: New states can be added to the Union,
but not inside of another state. Congress can regulate state borders.
Section 4:
The US will guarantee to the States a republican form of government and will
protect them from invasion and domestic violence.
Article V
Section 1:
When both houses agree, amendments can be made to this constitution.
Article VI
Section 1:
Any debts or contracts made before the adoption of the constitution will carry
over into the new regime. These laws are the supreme laws of the land. Religion
will never be a deciding factor in the qualification or election to public office
of individuals.
Article VII
Section 1:
Everyone agrees to adopt this Constitution in the nine states.
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