Atomic Number: 1
Atomic Weight: 1.007
Element Group: Non-Metals
Phase at Room Temperature: Gas
I should be the king of all elements. Not only am I very first element on the Periodic Table, but I'm also the most abundant element in the entire universe. And speaking of the universe, I am what keep stars alive. Those heavenly bodies crush my atoms together to form Helium (2), in the process emitting massive amounts of energy. I am their power source and I keep them from burning out. 1st place for the lightest element goes to me. I'm much lighter then other elements, such as the super heavy Lawrencium (103). Although Bromine (35) argues for kingship because of his royal heritage, but the crown of leadership belongs to me. Even though I have many useful assets, my one weakness is fire. Fill a balloon with me and put a match to it, and BOOM! I'll make your eyebrows disappear.
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