Vial's Periodical Periodicals: Tellurium (52)

Atomic Number: 52
Atomic Weight: 172
Element Group:  Metalloid
Phase at Room Temperature:  Solid

I am a rathar meestical eleement. For starters, I vas deescovered in Transylvania by zee Romanian Franz Joseph Müller von Reichenstein. Reichenstein thought he vas extracting Anteemony [Antimony (51)] from a Gould [Gold (79)] compound, but it torned out to be mee! Mwhahahah! Hahaha*cough* *gasp* Pardone me. Anyvay, it vas heeden by Father Time for over seexteen years, adding to my air of meestary, vuntil I vas redeescovered by a German cheemist. He geenerously gave the credeet of my unveiling to Reichenstein. 

Now lets geet down to zee more eenteresting facts. 

I have a meestical, verewolvfish property that I share vith Selenium (34), a close couseen of mine. Normally, I am a semi-conducter, but vhen I am exposed to sunlight, my conducteeveety is slightly eencreased. Also, if humans eenhale even zee tiniest amount of me in zee air, they veel have vithering garleec breath for several dayz. 

Zat eez all I have time for... for now! *yanks cape in front of face* I must geet back to my dubious planz to geev zee eentire vorld reevoltingly odored breath! Mwahahahah!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is the last way I thought the world would would be taken over. 0_0
